G Aeolian Mode

The G Aeolian Mode has a minor quality due to its minor Third B. The Aeolian Mode, like G Aeolian, is one of seven diatonic modes originally formed using just the natural notes (think just the white keys on a piano) but starting on a particular note, A in the case of the Ionian Mode, which creates a unique sequence of intervals. This mode can then be transposed to any key such as G Aeolian Mode in this example. G Aeolian Mode is classified as a heptatonic scale as it has seven notes, G, A, B, C, D, E, F. The G Aeolian Mode is also known as a diatonic scale which conforms to specific rules. Due to its popularity the Aeolian Mode later became known as the Natural Minor Scale. G Aeolian Mode is therefore identical to the G Natural Minor Scale.

Below you will find the G Aeolian Mode notes, notation, patterns, degrees, intervals and more. You can also opt to see the G Aeolian Mode on your preferred instrument.

Theoretical Only

The G Aeolian Mode is considered theoretical only as it has double sharps or flats in the key signature.

The usual alternative is the enharmonic equivalent F♯ Aeolian Mode

Notes Ascending

G, A, B, C, D, E, F, G

Notes Descending

G, F, E, D, C, B, A, G

Pattern Ascending

T, S, T, T, S, T, T

S = Semitone, T = Tone (2 Semitones)

Pattern Descending

T, T, S, T, T, S, T

S = Semitone, T = Tone (2 Semitones)

Degrees Ascending

G8Tonic (Octave)

Degrees Descending

G8Tonic (Octave)

Intervals Ascending

G > G0Perfect Unison (P1)
G > A2Major 2nd (M2)
G > B3minor 3rd (m3)
G > C5Perfect 4th (P4)
G > D7Perfect 5th (P5)
G > E8minor 6th (m6)
G > F10minor 7th (m7)
G > G12Perfect Octave (P8)

Intervals Descending

G > G0Perfect Unison (P1)
G > F2Major 2nd (M2)
G > E4Major 3rd (M3)
G > D5Perfect 4th (P4)
G > C7Perfect 5th (P5)
G > B9Major 6th (M6)
G > A10minor 7th (m7)
G > G12Perfect Octave (P8)

Modes related to G Aeolian Mode

Enharmonic Equivalent Mode

Scale with the same root and notes as the G Aeolian Mode but different spelling.

F♯ Aeolian Mode

Chords related to G Aeolian Mode

Related Triads

These chords have been built using the notes of the G Aeolian Mode. The chords are in degree order and shown in Roman numerals (lowercase = minor/diminished, uppercase = Major/Augmented).

i Chord - G Minor

iio Chord - A Diminished

III Chord - A Major

iv Chord - C Minor

v Chord - D Minor

VI Chord - D Major

VII Chord - F Major

Learn to Play G Aeolian Mode

Instrument View

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